I am a researcher by nature (nerd alert). I often find myself asking a
question and then diving into scripture, books, or (let’s be real) my magical
iPhone to find the answer. Often I don’t find the answer, or the answer is one
of those shades of gray answers that involves faith and long deep breaths.
But, sometimes God is gracious and He answers me.
Like when I asked, “Who are Jesus, the Father, and the Holy
Spirit to us?”
They are all one God, but they must have unique purposes.
Otherwise, what’s the point? And I wanted to know what each of their purposes
meant for me.
So, this is a three-part post on what I found. We’ll start
with Jesus. The Man.
Here's how this is going to work.
I just thought of the movie Tommy Boy when he yells out, "Listen up! This will only take a second!" and everyone thinks he's robbing the bank. Amazing.
And we're back. Like I said, here's the deal:
First the scripture, then a basic explanation in my own
words including who Jesus is to us. Got it?
In no particular order…
He’s our advocate – when we sin, He speaks to the Father in
our defense.
He’s our Amen. Our stamp of approval. Our period at the end
of our sentence. Our trustworthy witness. He’s the Anointed One – chosen for a
specific task by the Father.
He’s the Author (the creator) of our faith and the perfector
who brings all things through to completion. He always finishes what He
started. <----A quality I admire. Not that I don't also have that quality.
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He’s the Bread of Life. The bread that if you eat it you
will never die, but live forever. The ultimate satisfier of all our needs and
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thepursuitaesthetic.tumblr.com via Pinterest |
He’s the Bright and Morning Star who shines in all our dark
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achowlife.com via Pinterest |
He’s the commander of the army of the Lord who defends God’s
He’s the Cornerstone on the building of God. He is the stone
that the builders rejected that has now become the cornerstone. He’s our
Deliverer. The One we have waited for.
He’s Immanuel, God with us, not distant but gets down on his
hands and knees to be with us.
He’s the ultimate prince on the white horse whose rider is
called Faithful and True.
He’s a friend of sinners who befriended prostitutes, liars,
thieves…that includes us.
He’s the Shepherd of His sheep who protects us. He makes us
lie down in green pastures and restores our soul.
He’s our high priest, our ultimate intercessor. The last
sacrifice once and for all.
He’s our hope when we have no hope.
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ffffound.com via Pinterest |
He’s the perfect image of God – the exact representation of
His being.
He’s the great I AM! The ultimate existence or being. No
words can fully explain him.
He’s the Just judge who judges the living and the dead
He’s the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and he can and
will bring the rulers of this world to nothing.
He is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world
and makes them white as snow.

He’s the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Life to the full.
He is the Light of the world and whoever follows him shall
NEVER walk in darkness.
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www.aaronweissart.com via Pinterest |
He’s the Lion of the tribe of Judah who is worthy and
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waitforthursday.tumblr.com via Pinterest |
He is the True Vine and if we remain in him we will bear
much fruit, but without Him we can do nothing.
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whimsicalepiphany.tumblr.com via Pinterest |
He is the great physician who says, “it is not the healthy
who need a doctor, but the sick.”
He speaks only in righteousness, and he is mighty to save.
And a few bonus characteristics:
- He is prophecy fulfilled.
- He healed the demon possessed
- He fed 5,000 with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish
- He heals lepers
- He teaches in beautiful tabernacles and dusty households
- He gives sight to the blind
- He raises the dead
- He dines with the wealthy and religious, but prefers the poor and humble
- He corrects hypocrisy and gives grace to the repentant
- He blesses little children and says we should act more like them
- He drives merchants out of the temple in righteous anger
- He washes his disciples feet and says “do as I have done for you”
- He prays a lot and is always getting alone to be with His Father – even amongst chaos
What did I miss?
Jesus is so much to us if we allow Him to be!

I love that He delights in us!